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Fire & Security Solutions at Bedford Borough Council

Ace has installed 700+ Security cameras across Bedford as well as ensuring Fire & Security compliance in Council premises

Bedford Borough Council (‘BBC’) is responsible for protecting the local community and public buildings. The council requires a security partner who can install and maintain CCTV cameras throughout
the town to help reduce crime, nuisance and anti-social behaviour.

The BBC also required a partner they could rely on to protect their schools, libraries and other public buildings, along with their occupants, from the risk of fire, theft and vandalism.


Ace’s team of technicians maintain the town’s 700+ CCTV cameras on a weekly basis to ensure they are fit for purpose. Cameras are cleaned, re-focused, updated and replaced as needed.

As part of the fire and security maintenance contract, Ace goes conduct surveys of fire alarms, emergency lighting, intruder alarms and acess control system in schools, libraries and other council-owned buildings across Bedford. This gives teh Council and residents across the borough confidence that premises are safe and compliant.

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