Dry Lab ventilation at ARM
CPS have delivered the Mechanical & Electrical services on 5 separate projects at ARM
5 projects took place at ARM’s main campus in Cambridge commencing in 2020 through to 2023.
Within the space there are several dry labs with specialist gases, power, and a data network which links back to main ARM servers. The works involved facilitating new open plan meeting and research spaces for the ARM staff together with vibrant “hot desk” facilities allowing any member of staff from any of their offices to work anywhere.
ARM manufacture and research microchips for all Apple devices. At the time of the projects each and every Apple device had a chip manufactured by ARM.

Works involve the removal of entire poorly functioning VRF installations and the installation of a new Mitsubishi VRF systems new power data and intelligent lighting systems.
Dry labs were fitted with specialist gases and laser lock interfaces. In addition BMS systems, electrical and mechanical services and were upgraded across a number of projects